Anyone who grew up in a protected home knows the feeling of being at home. Home is a place where you feel comfortable, a place that conveys safety and protection. We have an emotional connection with the place where we grew up and later, where we found a family, to create our home. We also build relationships with people who live with us and in our environment. We feel at home where our loved ones are.
Getting home is nice. It’s nice to travel and see new places, but at the end of the holiday I can’t wait to go home.
I can experience these moments of “coming home” with God every day, regardless of where I am. I feel at home in his presence, safe and secure. It is always there as soon as I open my heart. My search ends, I have arrived near him, all mine are satisfied wishes. Knowing myself in her hand makes me calm and confident for all challenges. Only with him can I find unconditional love and acceptance. I can let go of all the weights and let myself fall into his hand. There is no other place I would prefer to be.
“How glorious your apartments are, Almighty Lord. I desire, yes, I ardently desire to enter the courtyards of the Lord, where I want to worship the living God with a happy heart. Even a bird finds a house there and the swallows build their nest and raise their young, near your altars, Almighty Lord, my God and King! How happy are those who are authorized to live in your home, they will praise you at all times. Happy are the people who find their strength in you and follow you with all your heart. As they cross the valley of tears it becomes a place of refreshing springs and the early rain covers them with blessings. So they continue to receive new strength and appear in Jerusalem before God. Lord, Almighty God, listen to my prayer and listen to me, God of Israel, God, have mercy on our King protector, have mercy on him that you have chosen, Lord, a day in your V orhöfen is better than the usual thousand! I’d rather be a porter in my god’s house than to live in the homes of the wicked. Because God, the Lord, is the sun and the protection for us. It gives us grace and honor. The Lord will not hold back any good from those who do what is right. Almighty Lord, happy is the person who trusts you. “Psalm 84
A living relationship with Jesus is the key for coming home. Its door is open to anyone who wants to enter. Jesus himself is the door of Heavenly Father.
“I’m just the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved, will go in and out and find pasture ”John 10: 9
Be at home
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