A new year

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This year is going to end. We pause, look back at the past and think about good resolutions and plans for the new year.

If we look back on the old year, it must have been an extraordinary year for most of us. It was associated with new challenges, difficulties, changes, limitations and insecurities. Much of what we took for granted was no longer possible.

I also asked myself :

  • What can I be thankful for?
  • What was good? What challenges did I have to face?
  • What does God want to show me?
  • What was I happy about?
  • What made me sad?
  • Which changes have there been?
  • What has become important to me?
  • Where did I grow, what did I learn?
  • What must I learn?
  • What do I plan for the coming year?
  • What goals do I want to achieve and implement?
  • What wishes and visions do I have?
  • What plan does God have for my life?

Looking back on the past year, through all circumstances, there was one constant for me, one security, one unshakable truth:

“Immanuel, God is with us”

God was with me in all challenges, difficulties, changes, limitations and insecurities. God was with me in joy and sorrow. God was with me in my success and in my failure. God was with me in my wishes, visions and plans. God was there always and everywhere and so it was a good year for me. To look to Jesus, to look to him in all things, has filled my heart with peace, a supernatural peace that the world does not know.

“Don’t worry about anything, just pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him. You will experience God’s peace, which is greater than our human minds can ever comprehend. His peace will keep your hearts and minds in faith in Jesus Christ ”Philippians 4: 6-7

Thankful for his love and loyalty, his guidance, I want to go into the new year.

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget what good he has done you” Psalm 103: 2

Trusting in Jesus I can look to the future with hope and confidence and use my time wisely for everything that is really important. The past year also offered the opportunity to reflect on it and to realign our own priorities.

“Love God and your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22, 37-39

“Seek first after the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and everything else will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

I wish you all a blessed new year with confidence in God, hope, faith, gratitude and with his peace in heart.

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