Become a child of god

Sprachen German Italian

Lesedauer 2 Minuten

But to all who accepted him and believed in his name, he gave the right to become God’s children John 1:12

All people are God’s creatures and loved by God, but not all are “children of God”. You become a child of God by believing in Jesus Christ, by deciding to accept him as your Lord and Redeemer and by inviting him into your life.
If you have come to the conclusion that you want to follow Jesus and put your life under God’s guidance, tell him.
You can do it your own way, but basically this first step involves three aspects: confess, ask, thank.
Confess to God that you lived at your own discretion and that you led your life detached from him and
Confess to God that this has brought guilt to you, yourself, and others.
Confess to God that you want to turn to Him and follow Jesus.
Ask God to forgive you for your mistakes and guilt.
Ask Jesus to let go of bondage and wrong thinking.
Ask for the Holy Spirit to fill you and to take the lead in your life.
Thank you Jesus for going on the cross for you and your guilt and forgiving you.
Thank God that he now accepts you as his child.
Thank you to Heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit who now dwells in you.
If you believe and affirm these points, the following prayer may help you say it:
God I’m sorry that I lived apart from you and thereby brought guilt to me. I turn away from you without you and turn back to you. I confess to you that I did things that were wrong. Please forgive me and cleanse me of all injustice. Thank you Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for me. Thank you for forgiving my guilt and liberating me from the realm of evil. God, I ask you to come into my life with your Holy Spirit and to fulfill me. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for accepting me and for being your child. Jesus, I want to follow you, lead me your good way.