Face challenges with courage

Lesedauer 3 Minuten

How do you feel in times of challenge, when you start new tasks or new projects in your life? Do you resist change or do you like to be challenged?

When I face new challenges, my feelings are twofold. There is the anticipation of what is to come, but also uncertainty and fears: will I make it? Do I have the skills? Will the project succeed?

In this situation only one thing helps me: Come to God with my plans and entrust them to him. I don’t want to rely on my feelings or my abilities and strengths, but on God’s power. When I am faced with a great task, I say to myself: If God wants this from me, then I can. The following 5 steps bring me further on my way:

1: I remember: In which challenges has God already strengthened me? Where did God speak to me? What miracles has God done in my life?

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget what good he has done you! Praise the Lord, my soul, and what is in me, his holy name! ” Psalm 103 2.

2: I seek the presence of God before the challenge. I take the time to read the Bible, read His Word, listen to praise music, or just go for a walk with God. The presence of God strengthens and encourages me.

3. I believe the truth. The truth are not my worries, doubts and negative beliefs (I can’t do it I am not able), but the promises of God in his word. Jesus is my power and his power works in me.

“And he said to me: My grace suffices for you; for my strength is perfected in weakness. That is why I will most dearly boast of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may dwell with me. ”2 Corinthians 12: 9

“I can do everything through Christ, who gives me power and strength. Philippians 4:13

I can bravely take on new challenges because I know that God is with me. My trust lies in him and he gives me the courage, strength and skills that I need.

“Be brave and strong! Do not be afraid and do not be intimidated by them! For the LORD your God goes with you. He always stands by you and does not abandon you! ”Deuteronomy 31: 6

“Then he turned to his son Solomon:“ Get to work without hesitation! Do not be afraid and do not let anything discourage you! For the Lord my God will help you. He will not leave you and will help you until the building of the temple is completed. ”1 Chronicles 28:20

4. I am looking for fellowship with fellow believers in church and home group groups. Prayer and encouragement are very important to me. We need each other, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer puts it in the following quote:

“That is why the Christian needs the Christian who tells him God’s word, he needs him again and again when he is uncertain and despondent; for he cannot help himself without deceiving himself of the truth. He needs the brother as the bearer and preacher of the divine word of salvation. “

5. I make a decision and I trust.

“Be brave and determined! Do not be intimidated and do not be afraid! For I, the LORD your God, will help you wherever you go. Joshua 1.9

“So be strong and determined! Do not let anything discourage you and do not be afraid! ”1 Chronicles 22:13

With trust in God I can make courageous decisions, dare new steps and face challenges with confidence. I know I can’t do anything without God, but with him things become possible that were previously impossible.

“All things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

Peace in the storm

Lesedauer 3 Minuten

The sun doesn’t shine every day. Every now and then it can be windy, stormy and uncomfortable. The clouds cover the blue sky, it gets dark, cloudy and cold. Severe storms can also be dangerous and cause damage, e.g. B. floods, mudslides, hurricanes, lightning or hail.

In our life, too, we often go through stormy times. We experience difficult times, circumstances and crises that cloud our view. Situations that are uncomfortable and threatening for us. The current situation around Corona is also like a storm that mixes everything up, one wave after another hits us. Many people struggle with uncertainty, doubts, fears, worries or hopelessness.

However, we do not have to become the playball of the waves in our storms of life and be helpless at the mercy of them, there is a way to keep calm and peace in the midst of difficult circumstances. I found this calm in the storm through community, my relationship with God. There is also a story in the Bible about a storm in which Jesus was on a boat with his disciples:

Jesus stills the storm

“When evening came, Jesus said to his disciples,“ We ​​want to go to the other side of the lake. Jesus was already in the boat. So the disciples released the crowd, got into the boat with him, and drove off. Several other boats went with them. But soon afterwards a violent storm arose and high waves pounded the boat until it was almost completely full of water. Meanwhile, Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat with his head on a pillow. In their desperation they finally woke him up and shouted: “Teacher, don’t you mind that we perish?” Jesus woke up, threatened the wind and commanded the water: “Be silent!” Shut up! ‘Immediately the wind died down and there was a deep silence. And he asked the disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? ”Fearful they said to each other:“ Who is this man that even wind and waves obey him? ”

If we take Jesus with us on our ship of life, if he is our captain, if we believe and trust in him, we must not be afraid. Jesus has everything under control and he can work miracles at any time. Wind and waves obey him. We will not go down with Jesus in the boat. We can fix our eyes on him, ask him for help, and let him help us. We can keep our peace because God is with us and leads and guides us through the storms. God is greater than any storm that threatens us. We can find our rest in God, be hopeful and confident. It is our foundation and gives us support. Jesus brings us to the safe shore. He is the anchor in need.

“To know what an anchor is, we need the storm” Quote from Corrie ten Boom

Storms also have their positive sides. They make us aware that we cannot do everything on our own and that we need a savior. When we get weak, God is our strength.

“My grace is all you need. My strength is shown in your weakness ”2 Corinthians 12: 9

The storms also make us grow in faith and in our relationship with God.

When my heart trusts in you and look at your love I find peace, I find peace can I defeat storm and waves In the midst of turbulent times Your presence will always be with me. Even in the greatest uncertainty with you is peace always. My troubled heart becomes still and comes to rest for the God who keeps my peace is you. (Ulrike Nägele)

“Anyone who listens to what I have said and acts accordingly is wise. You can compare him to a man who builds his house on rocky ground. If a downpour comes down, the water rises, and the storm rattles the house, it will still not collapse because it is built on rock. ”Matthew 7: 24-25

“If you are safe from God before the storm, he will also take care of you during the storm” quote from Dèborah Rosenkranz

Be light

Lesedauer 3 Minuten

Lights are one of the pre-Christmas traditions. Our streets and houses are lit and full of lights. We light a new candle on the Advent wreath every week and the Christmas tree is also decorated with shining lights.

We should not forget what is the meaning behind it and be aware of what the light reminds us of. All the lights that we light for Christmas bear witness to Jesus, who came into the world as light. He is the source of light, the light itself, the light of the world that illuminates our darkness. Its light shines brighter than the sun and illuminates our path.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light on my way. Psalm 119: 105

There is light in him and there is no darkness in him. God becomes human, gives himself and fills our life with his light, his love, his hope, his peace. Filled with its light, we shine and can become lights ourselves.

“You used to be darkness; but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light. ”Ephesians 5: 8

In connection with him, if we stay in him, we can bring and be light because he provides us in abundance. In his presence our lights will not go out, but will flare up again and again. If we try to be and give light on our own, after a while we will tire and burn out and have no more energy. Just as a lamp has to be connected to the energy source in order to shine, so we have to be connected to God’s light source. How important this connection is for us, Jesus describes in the parable of the vine and the branch:

Jesus said to his disciples: “I am the true vine. Stay in me, then I stay in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, but only if it remains on the vine, so you cannot bear fruit either if you do not abide in me; I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and in whom I remain brings rich fruit; because apart from me you can do nothing. If you stay in me and if my words stay in you, then ask for whatever you want: you will receive it. ”And further Jesus says:“ As the Father loved me, I also loved you. Stay in my love! I ask you this: Love one another! ”

To remain in his love and to bring to the world his love is the mission that Jesus gives us. Don’t hide our light, but put it on a candlestick so that everyone can see it. How can we be light for others? We can be light by giving ourselves away. Here is a short story:

Story of a candle “Now you’ve lit me and look into my light. You rejoice in my brightness, in the warmth that I give. And I am happy that I can burn for you. If not, I might be lying around in an old box – no use. I only get meaning through burning. But – I know only too well – the longer I burn, the shorter I become, the more I am inclined to my end. You will say “burned down” and throw away what is left of me. I know there are always these two options for me: Either I stay in the box – untouched, forgotten, in the dark – or else, I’m burning, getting shorter, giving everything I have in favor of light and warmth. So I am bringing about my own end. And yet, I think it’s nicer and more sensible to be able to give something away than to stay cold and lie in the gloomy box …

With this in mind, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I wish all of us that we will again and again become aware that the light of Jesus lives in us. So let us shine for others too by:

  • giving presents to our fellow human beings
  • offering practical help
  • praying for one another
  • blessing each other
  • passing on good thoughts
  • encouraging others
  • giving away our smile
  • giving our time write or call a letter / card
  • visiting lonely and sick people
  • listening to each other
  • Inviting someone
  • telling about Jesus, the light of the world

“Get up, be light; because your light is coming and the glory of the Lord is on you! ”Isaiah 60: 1

“You are the light of the world. The city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 “

“For this is how the Lord commanded us:” I have made you the light of the Gentiles, that you may be salvation to the end of the earth. “” Acts 13:47

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy people, a people owned, that you should proclaim the benefits of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2: 9

Light into the dark

Lesedauer 2 Minuten

Light is vital for us humans, just as important as water and food. Light enables us to perceive our environment with our eyes, it controls many processes in our body, sleep and wake rhythm (internal clock), it influences our state of mind and our wellbeing. Sunlight provides us with vitamin D, which is responsible for building our bones. According to the latest scientific studies, sun rays prevent cardiovascular diseases as it lowers blood pressure.

Now in November, when the days are getting shorter and it is getting dark early, we notice how we long for light. During this time, I move my daily walk to midday or early afternoon so that I can still enjoy the last rays of sunshine. At home in the evenings, I like to make myself comfortable in the living room, turn on the fire and warm on the bench by the stove. I like to light a candle and watch its glow. A small light in a room can illuminate the whole room and dispel the darkness.

In the world too there is darkness, suffering, hardship, difficult circumstances and crises. In such situations we lack light, we can no longer see further, we have no orientation. The darkness robs us of joy and scares us.

But it is precisely in these moments that we can see a light. There is a light that illuminates the whole world, it cannot extinguish all the darkness of the world.

“I came into the world as a light, so that everyone, who believes in me, does not stay in the dark” John 12,46

Jesus is the light that drives away all darkness. Darkness must fade away in its light. Jesus brings light to dark winter days, his light shines brighter than the sun. Jesus brings light into our hearts, Jesus illuminates the way for us. Look at the light, turn to it and let it shine in your heart. Jesus’ light is stronger than anything that makes you sad or scares you. With Jesus the true light came into the world (John 1: 9-12).

“For with you is the source of life, and in your light we see the light.” Psalm 36:10

“The people who live in the dark see a bright light.” Isaiah 9: 1

Where we meet Jesus, the light, change, healing, restoration happen. We can flourish in the presence of its light. Jesus drives out all darkness. Even in difficult circumstances his light is consolation and salvation for us. With him we see everything in a different light. We don’t have to stay in the dark, the light lets us know God’s love for us. The more we live in his light, the brighter we will shine ourselves and so we can become little lights ourselves and pass on Jesus’ light to our fellow human beings. We shouldn’t keep it to ourselves, but let it shine for all people who are in the dark.

Christ says: You are the light of the world. So let your light shine before people so that they may see your good works and praise your Heavenly Father. Mt 5:14

Nobody lights a light and puts it in a secret place, not even under a bushel, but on the candlestick, so that whoever goes in can see the light. Luke 11:33