
Lesedauer 2 Minuten

This Bible verse brought back to my mind how good and generous our God is.

Everything I have, everything I am is given to me by God, it is not self evident and not my own merit.

Everything I see, the creation, the diversity in nature with its colors and shapes, sun-moon and stars, the animal world – everything is made wonderful and unique by God and I can live surrounded by this beauty.

Everything I smell, taste, feel testifies the generosity of God. I enjoy so many different smells, the food is also enjoyable with the many different flavors that I can taste with my tongue. God is a generous giver and he loves to give gifts to his children.

One day the bill will certainly be presented to us (poem by Lothar Zanetti)

for the sunshine
 and the rustling of the leaves,
 the gentle lily of the valley
 and the dark fir trees,
 for the snow and the wind,
 bird flight and grass
 and the butterflies,
 for the air we
 have breathed, and that
 Look at the stars
 and for all the days
 the evenings and the nights.
 Once it is time
 that we leave and
 Please enter the bill.
 But we have it
 made without the host:
 I invited you
 he says and laughs,
 as far as the earth reaches:
 It was my pleasure!

It is God’s nature to give. He provides me with everything I need from his abundance. He is my provider. He knows my needs. God gives and gives without expectations, unconditionally.

“Because he lets his sun rise over evil and good and rains over the just and the unjust” Matthew 5.45

He ensures that we can all live. God gives voluntarily because he is good. He is love in person. He is merciful, patient, and kind.

Jesus came to earth and revealed the generosity of the Father.

But I came to give them life in full” John 10:10

He spent his time with sinners and people on the margins of society and was ready to forgive them their sins. He was an encourager and always had uplifting words for people by talking about the Kingdom of God. He cared for the people, turned water into wine, saturated 5000 people with 5 breads and 2 fish and he healed people from their illnesses and ailments. In the end he was ready to give his life for us so that we could have eternal life with the father.

 “Because God loved the world so much that he gave his only son so that everyone who believes in him is not lost, but has eternal life” John 3:16

When I think of what God has already done for me, everything that He has done and worked in my life, my heart is filled with gratitude and joy,

“Praise the LORD my soul and do not forget what he has done you good” Psalm 103: 2

and I want to learn from God to be generous myself:

to be generous with my time: to give away time to my friends
To be generous in my words: encourage others
To be generous in material matters: To give someone a gift, to help when someone is in financial need to donate part of my money.
to be generous with joy and gratitude

“So everyone should decide for himself how much he wants to give, voluntarily and not out of a sense of duty. Because God loves him who gives happily” 2 Corinthians 9: 7