In the hands of god

Lesedauer 2 Minuten

A small child grasps the hand of his father or mother. It feels safe and secure in the familiar hand. It can be led. The child depends on hands to hold it and guide it on its way.

But how is it when we grow up. At some point we let go, go on independently and look for our own way. On the one hand, we feel independent and free. We have life in our own hands. We go where we want, where life takes us. On the other hand, deep inside we feel a longing. We long for a trusting hand that holds and guides us, for security and safety.

This longing in us is actually the longing for God. He has placed it in the heart of every human being so that we may seek him.

“He put in the heart of man a desire to inquire of that which is eternal” Ecclesiastes 3:11

The first step towards the father’s hand is the realization that we need him, that we depend on his rescue and help. In that moment we will grasp God’s hand and let ourselves fall into his strong hands.

With God we are in the best hands. God’s hand created the universe, our world and us humans out of nothing. Everything that is has been created by his creative hand.

“You have made me happy, Lord, with your works. I rejoice in the works of your hands.” Psalm 92:5

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the vault of heaven declares the work of his hands.” Psalm 19:2

“Lord, you are our father. We are the clay, and you are our molder, and we are all the work of your hands.” Isaiah 64:7

God’s hand is the hand that protects us. In his hands we are safe and secure.

“You surround me on all sides and hold your protective hand over me.” Psalm 139:5

God’s hand is everywhere to guide and guide us in all areas of our lives. We are never alone in his hand.

” Where should I flee from your spirit, and where can I escape from your presence? If I fly up into the sky, you are there; if I descend into the realm of the dead[1], you are there too. If I took the wings of the dawn or dwelt at the outermost sea, your hand would lead me there too, and your strong arm would hold me. Psalm 139:7-10

God extends his saving hand to us. He comes very close to us. The saving hand is the hand of Jesus Christ. With this hand he knocks on the door of our hearts. We can grasp this hand with childlike trust and in the knowledge that we are his children.

Through Jesus and his work on the cross for us, the way to the father’s hand is free. Through Jesus, God accepts us as his children who belong to him and whom no one can snatch from his hand.

“And I will give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them from my hand. What my father gave me is greater than all, and no one can snatch it from the father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” John 10:28-30

Face challenges with courage

Lesedauer 3 Minuten

How do you feel in times of challenge, when you start new tasks or new projects in your life? Do you resist change or do you like to be challenged?

When I face new challenges, my feelings are twofold. There is the anticipation of what is to come, but also uncertainty and fears: will I make it? Do I have the skills? Will the project succeed?

In this situation only one thing helps me: Come to God with my plans and entrust them to him. I don’t want to rely on my feelings or my abilities and strengths, but on God’s power. When I am faced with a great task, I say to myself: If God wants this from me, then I can. The following 5 steps bring me further on my way:

1: I remember: In which challenges has God already strengthened me? Where did God speak to me? What miracles has God done in my life?

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget what good he has done you! Praise the Lord, my soul, and what is in me, his holy name! ” Psalm 103 2.

2: I seek the presence of God before the challenge. I take the time to read the Bible, read His Word, listen to praise music, or just go for a walk with God. The presence of God strengthens and encourages me.

3. I believe the truth. The truth are not my worries, doubts and negative beliefs (I can’t do it I am not able), but the promises of God in his word. Jesus is my power and his power works in me.

“And he said to me: My grace suffices for you; for my strength is perfected in weakness. That is why I will most dearly boast of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may dwell with me. ”2 Corinthians 12: 9

“I can do everything through Christ, who gives me power and strength. Philippians 4:13

I can bravely take on new challenges because I know that God is with me. My trust lies in him and he gives me the courage, strength and skills that I need.

“Be brave and strong! Do not be afraid and do not be intimidated by them! For the LORD your God goes with you. He always stands by you and does not abandon you! ”Deuteronomy 31: 6

“Then he turned to his son Solomon:“ Get to work without hesitation! Do not be afraid and do not let anything discourage you! For the Lord my God will help you. He will not leave you and will help you until the building of the temple is completed. ”1 Chronicles 28:20

4. I am looking for fellowship with fellow believers in church and home group groups. Prayer and encouragement are very important to me. We need each other, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer puts it in the following quote:

“That is why the Christian needs the Christian who tells him God’s word, he needs him again and again when he is uncertain and despondent; for he cannot help himself without deceiving himself of the truth. He needs the brother as the bearer and preacher of the divine word of salvation. “

5. I make a decision and I trust.

“Be brave and determined! Do not be intimidated and do not be afraid! For I, the LORD your God, will help you wherever you go. Joshua 1.9

“So be strong and determined! Do not let anything discourage you and do not be afraid! ”1 Chronicles 22:13

With trust in God I can make courageous decisions, dare new steps and face challenges with confidence. I know I can’t do anything without God, but with him things become possible that were previously impossible.

“All things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27


Lesedauer 2 Minuten

Serenity, inner calm is an inner attitude, the ability, especially in difficult situations, to maintain composure or an unbiased attitude. It is the opposite of restlessness, excitement, nervousness and stress (source Wikipedia). It is often not easy to be or remain calm when we are faced with challenges and difficult situations. When things happen that we are not in control of, it is not easy to be calm. Nevertheless, we should practice serenity every day in the various situations and strive more and more for inner peace. Inner peace regardless of what happens around us. Serenity is good for our health, and the Bible even says that serenity extends our lives (see Proverbs 14:30).

What helps us to be calm? To be calm I need the confidence that my situation will turn out for the better. But what do I put my trust in? On my own strength, on having everything under control or maybe on other people? I need a foundation that I stand on, that gives me security and that I can rely on. Our own strength has its limits, it is impossible to have everything under control and we cannot rely on others either. There is only one that we can 100% rely on and trust in all of our circumstances. I mean the God of the Bible. If we build our house of life on Christ, if he is our foundation, nothing and no one will upset us so quickly.

“Even when the earth shakes and people are in turmoil, it is I who give support to their foundations” Psalm 75: 4

“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which has already been laid – Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:11

Faith in God helps me not to look at the circumstances but to focus my gaze on God. The certainty that God is there and that He has a good plan gives me serenity. He has everything under control, I don’t have to have everything under control myself. That’s why I can stay calm inside. God walks with me through challenges and difficulties. I can let myself fall into his hands. I can’t fall any deeper than in God’s hand. When I lose peace, I can keep reminding myself how great and mighty God is and that nothing is impossible for him. Don’t tell God how big your problem, but tell your problem how big is your god.

Serenity prayer (Reinhold Niebuhr): God give me the serenity to accept things that I can’t change, the courage to change things that I can change and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other. To live one day at a time to enjoy one moment at a time. To accept deprivation as a way to peace. To accept this sinful world as Jesus did and not in the way I would like them to be. To trust that you’ll do everything right if I give myself to your will, so that I may be pretty happy in this life and in the next forever overjoyed with you. Amen.

Peace in the storm

Lesedauer 3 Minuten

The sun doesn’t shine every day. Every now and then it can be windy, stormy and uncomfortable. The clouds cover the blue sky, it gets dark, cloudy and cold. Severe storms can also be dangerous and cause damage, e.g. B. floods, mudslides, hurricanes, lightning or hail.

In our life, too, we often go through stormy times. We experience difficult times, circumstances and crises that cloud our view. Situations that are uncomfortable and threatening for us. The current situation around Corona is also like a storm that mixes everything up, one wave after another hits us. Many people struggle with uncertainty, doubts, fears, worries or hopelessness.

However, we do not have to become the playball of the waves in our storms of life and be helpless at the mercy of them, there is a way to keep calm and peace in the midst of difficult circumstances. I found this calm in the storm through community, my relationship with God. There is also a story in the Bible about a storm in which Jesus was on a boat with his disciples:

Jesus stills the storm

“When evening came, Jesus said to his disciples,“ We ​​want to go to the other side of the lake. Jesus was already in the boat. So the disciples released the crowd, got into the boat with him, and drove off. Several other boats went with them. But soon afterwards a violent storm arose and high waves pounded the boat until it was almost completely full of water. Meanwhile, Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat with his head on a pillow. In their desperation they finally woke him up and shouted: “Teacher, don’t you mind that we perish?” Jesus woke up, threatened the wind and commanded the water: “Be silent!” Shut up! ‘Immediately the wind died down and there was a deep silence. And he asked the disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? ”Fearful they said to each other:“ Who is this man that even wind and waves obey him? ”

If we take Jesus with us on our ship of life, if he is our captain, if we believe and trust in him, we must not be afraid. Jesus has everything under control and he can work miracles at any time. Wind and waves obey him. We will not go down with Jesus in the boat. We can fix our eyes on him, ask him for help, and let him help us. We can keep our peace because God is with us and leads and guides us through the storms. God is greater than any storm that threatens us. We can find our rest in God, be hopeful and confident. It is our foundation and gives us support. Jesus brings us to the safe shore. He is the anchor in need.

“To know what an anchor is, we need the storm” Quote from Corrie ten Boom

Storms also have their positive sides. They make us aware that we cannot do everything on our own and that we need a savior. When we get weak, God is our strength.

“My grace is all you need. My strength is shown in your weakness ”2 Corinthians 12: 9

The storms also make us grow in faith and in our relationship with God.

When my heart trusts in you and look at your love I find peace, I find peace can I defeat storm and waves In the midst of turbulent times Your presence will always be with me. Even in the greatest uncertainty with you is peace always. My troubled heart becomes still and comes to rest for the God who keeps my peace is you. (Ulrike Nägele)

“Anyone who listens to what I have said and acts accordingly is wise. You can compare him to a man who builds his house on rocky ground. If a downpour comes down, the water rises, and the storm rattles the house, it will still not collapse because it is built on rock. ”Matthew 7: 24-25

“If you are safe from God before the storm, he will also take care of you during the storm” quote from Dèborah Rosenkranz

God doesn’t disappoint

Lesedauer 2 Minuten

Disappointment is the failure to fulfill a wish or an expectation. Disappointment describes the feeling that a hope has been shattered or unexpected grief has been caused. I think each of us has experienced minor or major disappointments in our lives. We are disappointed when a situation does not turn out the way we thought it would, when things turn out differently than expected. We can also be disappointed of other people if, they act differently than we expected or if promises are not kept. We can also be disappointed in ourselves, if we don’t achieve what we set out to do.

Disappointments are part of life and inevitable, because circumstances do not always go according to plan and unpredictable things happen. People will also disappoint us every now and then, because no one is perfect or flawless. In the same way we will consciously or unconsciously disappoint people, because it is not possible to fullfill all expectations.

Disappointment often also arises when we have wrong expectations or when we place our trust and our expectations in wrong things. Not everything and everyone who promises us something is trustworthy.

“If he trusts in values ​​that do not support him, he is deceiving himself, only disappointment will be his reward.” Job 15:31

What can we ultimately trust in? Whom can we trust unconditionally? Who or what is really wearing?

God alone is the one who can never let us down. He keeps his promises and what he says is certain. His word is truth and we can always rely on it. God does not make mistakes and we can trust him in every situation. If we confide in him, we don’t run the risk of being disappointed. God has a good plan for our life.

“Good for the man who trusts in you” Psalm 84:13

“Everything he does is perfect and just. He is a rock – you can always rely on him. He keeps what he promises; he is righteous and faithful. ”Deuteronomy 32: 4

God’s love for us is constant and always the same. Even when we go through challenges and difficult situations, it doesn’t mean that God has let us down. God has never promised us a life without suffering and difficulties, but he has promised that in the midst of these situations he will always be with us and with us and on this promise we can rely 100%.

“Christ says: See, I am with you all the days until the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20

“Then you will know that I am the Lord on whom one can hope without being disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23

Keep peace

Lesedauer 3 Minuten

When my heart trusts in you
and i look at your love
I find peace, I find peace
I can defeat storm and waves
In the midst of turbulent times
Your presence will always be with me.
Even in the greatest uncertainty
with you is peace always.
My troubled heart becomes still and comes to rest
for the God who keeps my peace is you.
(Ulrike Nägele)

On the subject of peace, I recently read the following story:

“Once upon a time there was a king who wanted to give an award to the artist who painted him the most fitting picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all of the pictures, but there were only two that he really liked; he had to choose between them.

In one picture there was a calm lake, in which the peaceful mountain landscape towering around it was perfectly reflected. Above it a blue sky with fluffy white clouds spread out. Whoever looked at this picture must have thought it was perfect peace.

In the other picture there were mountains too, but they were rugged and bare, and above them a raging sky with flashing lightning and heavy rain. In the back of the picture a foaming waterfall tumbled down. None of this looked very peaceful. But behind the waterfall the king discovered a small bush that grew in a crevice. A mother bird had built her nest in the bush. There, in the midst of the raging water, the mother bird sat perfectly peacefully in her nest.

What do you think? Which picture won the award? The king chose the second picture.

“’Because peace does not mean,’ said the King, deeply moved, ‘to be in a place of perfect calm, free from anger and stressful work, but to remain calm in all of this. That is the real meaning of peace. ‹”

I like this story because it explains so well the real meaning of peace. Peace does not mean that the external circumstances are good, that there are no difficulties and problems to be overcome, that we have no challenges, but rather to find inner peace in the midst of stressful circumstances, uncertainty, chaos and turmoil.

Looking to Jesus we can come to this peace. In his presence there is peace, yes, he himself is peace. Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God.

Nothing and no one else can give us this peace. Trust in God is the key to that peace.

“I am restless, but by you is peace” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

“In the daily rush, in our work, in all situations of natural life, it belongs to us: the unshakable, inviolable peace of Jesus.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

I found this peace in the presence of God, in a relationship with Jesus. I experience him in the community and the encounter with him when I direct my thoughts on him instead of looking at my worries or problems. And I want to chase after this peace again and again, because sooner than I thought, peace will be stolen from me again. In order to remain in his peace, I am allowed to come to Jesus anew every day, let him give me presents, unpack his gift of peace and accept it for myself. Every day I can make the decision to trust him completely, to focus my heart on him, to let go of everything that is difficult and to believe that he will keep my peace.

“I told you all this so that you would have peace in me. Here on earth you will experience many difficult things. But have courage, for I have overcome the world. ”John 16:33

“Do not worry about anything, but in all things let your requests be made known to God in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving! And the peace of God, which is higher than all reason, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. ”Philippians 4: 6-7

Where your treasure is there is your heart too

Lesedauer 4 Minuten

There are numerous guides, magazines, and books in which you can find tips for a happy and content life. Many authors and scientists deal with this topic and have already gained a lot of important knowledge about it.

Satisfaction, gratitude, family, social contacts, exercise, healthy eating, etc. are all factors that can contribute to personal happiness. But I miss the most important point in this list: putting God first

“Happy is the one who trusts in you” Psalm 84:13

Time with God, to meet him and to be connected with him makes us happy. This is what we were created for, the community and relationship with God our Creator is our purpose.

However, our everyday life is often overcrowded with duties, challenges, work, consumption, leisure time, shopping, personal hygiene, social and cultural activities, sport, visits to the doctor and much more, so that we can easily get into a daily grind. Always the same, day in, day out. In this routine we often do not take much time with God and can easily get into everyday stress. We are under time pressure, lots of errands, a mountain of laundry waiting for us, stress, anger, no time. In addition, volunteer positions, homework with the children and other things that can become a burden for us.

How can break this cycle?

I have discovered for myself that this routine, which leads to frustration and dissatisfaction, comes, when I forget one thing: to give God first place

If I just function , try to do everything on my own, just am in action and forget to recharge my batteries with my God, to let his love fill me, to take him into my everyday life, then my joy is lost.

It helps me to plan specific times with God, to start and end the day with God, to read the Bible, to hear songs of praise while doing housework, to take a walk with God or to soak up the sun for 10 minutes on the balcony during the lunch break Enjoy the silence. Talk to God, a prayer. God is never more than a thought away. There are many ways to be in touch with God.

“Think of him at every step; he shows you the right way ”Proverbs 3,6

There are often times when it is difficult to take your free time. For me, for example, that was the case during the apple harvest. From 5:30 in the morning to 9:00 in the evening, the program was full. Prepare breakfast for the harvest workers and prepare children for school, then go to the meadow, distribute lunch, cater for everyone in the evening and do the minimum works around the house. At 9:30 p.m. I went to bed tired, after reading 2 to 3 sentences in the Bible I was already deep asleep.

“He gives it to his own in their sleep.” Psalm 127: 2

But where I recharged the most strength and energy for each day during this time was in the thoughts, short prayers to God, just to be aware of his closeness and to take him with me everywhere. Even if there was no time for Bible reading, there was a lack of church services and fellowship in the house group, God was always with me and that was my happiness.

“To be close to God is my happiness” Psalm 73:28

The more time I spend with God, the more balanced i am. God helps me to set priorities correctly, to distinguish the important from the unimportant, to realign myself internally, to eliminate time robbers and distractions again and again, to use my time correctly.

I have many plans, but often it is better to let God interrupt me, to listen to his guidance, to his voice.

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:11

Perhaps it is more important to visit someone today than to clean the windows.

Maybe today helping someone is more important than running my errands.

Maybe today it’s more important to listen to someone than to move on quickly so that my schedule doesn’t get mixed up.

Maybe today it is more important to take a walk than to iron my clothes.

“There is a time for everything and there is a time for every noble man under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3: 1

We worry about a lot, think about what there is to do , sometimes forgetting that God is by our side. With God in the boat, we won’t sink into a sea of ​​worries so quickly. If we let him participate in our concerns, he takes all our worries away and gives us new strength and joy in everyday life. With God, even house cleaning is fun.

First seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Then he will provide you with everything else. Matthew 6:33

Happy the people whose God is the LORD! ” Psalm 144.15

Happy are those who live in your house. They will always praise you. Happy is the person whose strength is in you, who follows you from the heart. Psalm 84: 5-6

Happy is the man who does not listen to the advice of the wicked, who does not follow the example of sinners’ lives and does not mockers. With joy he does the will of the Lord [1] and ponders his law day and night. It is like a tree that has roots on the river bank and bears abundant fruit year after year. His leaves do not wither and everything he does succeeds in Psalm 1: 1-3

Protect your heart

Lesedauer 4 Minuten

Pay attention to your thoughts, because they become feelings.
Pay attention to your feelings because they become words.
Watch your words, because they are turning to actions.
Watch your actions, because they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. (Chinese proverb)

The heart is the seat of our deepest inner being, emotions, personality and will. The Bible mentions several times how important it is to protect, keep our hearts clean. Our current state of mind is reflected in our hearts, what we think, what we feel, what we want.

“How are you?” – “How are you feeling?” Are questions that we often hear, but mostly superficially answer with “Fine, thank you!” But how are we really doing? Are we sad, angry, anxious, angry, offended, happy, tired, excited, relaxed, calm, etc., or are we currently in a chaos of emotions, an emotional alternation?

What thoughts are we dealing with? What do we think about ourselves, about our fellow human beings, about our situations and circumstances?

Is what we think and feel consistent with the truth? Can we always trust our thoughts and feelings?

God created us with feelings and they also have important tasks. Feelings make us alive, create closeness to our fellow human beings by empathizing and empathizing with others, they can motivate and inspire us and let us feel alife. In addition to positive feelings, there are also negative feelings that can drain, depress and depress us. It can happen that we feel depressed and weak and often don’t really know why. It is therefore important to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings, as these affect our lives. Negative feelings arise from negative or wrong thoughts that we have previously let into our hearts. Therefore it does not help to suppress them, it is better to accept these feelings and to observe which sources they have.

Last week I wrote about how we become a new person through Christ, acquire a new identity. If we accept His love, we become children of God and the Holy Spirit dwells in us. As children of God, we no longer need to let our feelings determine us, but we are guided by the Holy Spirit and live by faith.

God’s Word is truer than all my feelings.
God’s Word is truer than all my experiences.
God’s Word is truer than any living conditions I may get into.
God’s Word is truer than anything in the world.

Because our feelings can deceive and mislead us. They are volatile, changeable, they come and go. Our feelings are often not true. Feelings are not a good guide. They depend on many factors and external circumstances. The weather, poor nutrition, too little sleep, the behavior of other people can influence our emotional state. We can also be trapped in life lies that we believe. So we have to choose to do the right thing no matter how we feel.

Jesus also had feelings. He was angry when the merchants gathered in the temple and made his prayer house a robber’s cave. He was angry when he spoke to the Pharisees and scribes who lived in law. He was sad when his friend Lazarus died and disappointed with the unbelief of his successors. When his pioneer John the Baptist was beheaded, it hit Jesus in the heart. In the garden of Gethsemane, shortly before his crucifixion, Jesus was afraid and grieved to death. We can only guess how Jesus must have felt when he was slandered by Peter and betrayed by Judas. In all of this, he always looked at his Heavenly Father and enjoyed communion with God. Early in the morning, he went up the mountain alone to pray. When the Holy Spirit filled Jesus, he was joyful. He exulted in the spirit. He found joy in the presence of God. He enjoyed serving people and fulfilling his mission.

If Jesus had always relied on his feeling, he would not have been able to carry out God’s plan, but since he was guided by the Spirit of God and looked at the will of the Father, he could make the right decisions.

“Father, if you want, take this cup from me; but not mine, but your will be done! ”Luke 22:42

We feel best when our thoughts agree with God’s will, when we test our thoughts against the Word of God.

“But if he comes, the spirit of truth, he will lead you into all the truth” John 16:13

“The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, kindness, faith, meekness, chastity”

The Holy Spirit gives faith and heals the emotional world. We are happy about things that make God happy and we are sad about everything that makes God sad.

Contrary to our feelings, God’s Word is constant. We can always rely on that.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
“… but the word of the Lord remains forever.” Matthew 24:35

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God remains forever.” Isaiah 40: 8

God’s truth never changes. We can choose to speak God’s thoughts about our life, our fellow human beings and our circumstances and to believe and trust His promises more than our feelings.

“For I know well what thoughts I have about you, saith the Lord: thoughts of peace and not of suffering that I may give you future and hope.”

We can allow our thoughts and feelings, identify them, bring them to God and live them out according to his will. God knows our heart and every thought.

“Explore me, God, and recognize my heart, test me and recognize my thoughts.
Show me if I am going wrong and lead me to eternal life. ”Psalm 139: 23-24

“Your instructions are my darling, they fill my heart with joy. I am determined to keep your orders until the end of my life. ”Psalm 119,111-112

“You should take your old life off like old clothes. Do not follow your passions that mislead you and destroy you. Let yourself change in your thinking and realign yourself internally. Attracts new life as you put on new clothes. You have now become new people, whom God himself created in his image. Let everyone know that you now belong to God and live the way you like it ”Ephesians 4: 22-24

Faith is not a feeling, but a decision.

“But faith is a firm confidence in what one hopes and no doubting in what one does not see” Hebrews 11: 1

We don’t have to follow our feelings, our feelings have to follow our beliefs.

Rely on the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your understanding, but remember him in all your ways, he will guide you properly. ”Proverbs 3: 5-6

“And the peace of God, which goes beyond all understanding, will keep your heart and your thoughts in Christ Jesus!” Philippians 4: 7

Pour out the heart

Lesedauer 2 Minuten

The heart is considered the seat of emotions and mind. Whoever opens it gives others access to his feelings and thoughts and lets them participate, which is also a sign of the affection and trust that he show in them. For example, when we pour our hearts out to a friend or spouse, we share our emotions, our worries, our problems, we tell what moves us, what depresses us. We only pour our hearts out to people who are very close to us, whom we trust and with whom we have a good relationship.

Being able to trust someone helps us to feel better afterwards, it frees us and gives us a different perspective. We feel relieved and no longer moody, we can give negative thoughts and let go, it’s good for us.

There is someone we can come to at any time, who knows us best and whom we can always trust. It is our Heavenly Father who is just waiting for us as his children to come to him in prayer and tell him everything that moves us. He always listens and he always has time for us. He doesn’t want us to complain with emotions and burdens that don’t do us good and depress us if we drag them around with us for too long. Everything that burdens us – fears, worries, feelings of guilt, sadness, dissatisfaction, loneliness, doubts etc. – we can bring and give him away in prayer and receive his peace and quiet.

“Come to me, all of you who are tired and bear heavy burdens, I want to give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

God frees us and gives us ease, good thoughts and a different perspective.

It is good if we keep pouring our hearts out in front of him and let ourselves be cleaned by him so that we can protect and preserve our hearts. We often cannot avoid negative things from entering our hearts through difficulties, circumstances, through what we hear and experience, but we have to take care to keep our hearts and to always dispose of everything that should not be in it with God’s help .

“Above all, keep your heart safe, because your heart influences your whole life” Proverbs 4:23

Steadfast in a shaken time

Lesedauer 4 Minuten

Last weekend we celebrated Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus. Many of us will surely remember this Easter. It was different than usual. A lot of what we associate with this day h disappeared this year. Churches were closed, there were no big family celebrations and we spent the Easter days at home with the closest family. And yet: Easter has not failed, what Jesus did for us 2000 years ago is a gift that is valid today and forever for everyone who accepts it in faith.

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son so that everyone who believes in him is not lost, but has eternal life.” John 3:16

I think this year was an opportunity to deal more consciously with the Easter message and to think about what Easter personally means for our lives today. In the midst of this challenging time, in which many things that promise us security, the foundations of the world are shaken, amidst uncertainty, fears for the future, worries, God gives us joy and hope. The salvation work of Jesus creates an unshakable kingdom that cannot be destroyed by anything. The whole world has come to a standstill and has to stop. Everything stands still, we are in a forced break. We get the opportunity to slow down, stop and think about our life.

    How we invest our time?
    What is our foundation?
    What is precious to us?
    What is permanent?
    What is unshakable?
    What can we ultimately rely on?
    What makes sense in our life?

It is important to grapple with these questions every now and then so that we can focus our lives on what is unshakable and so that we do not miss our goal. Since there are a lot of distractions in this time, worldly things that can capture our hearts, now is the opportunity to deal with what is really important.

A solid foundation

“Whoever listens to me and acts accordingly is smart and acts like a man who builds a house on solid rock. Even if the rain rushes down from the sky in torrents, the water overflows and the storms shake this house, it won’t collapse because it’s built on rock. But whoever listens to me and does not act on it is a fool; he’s like a man building a house on sand. When the rain and the flood come and the storms shake this house, it will collapse with a roar. ”

These verses remind us of the importance of our personal relationship with God. A living relationship in which we focus on him, get to know him better and better, put him at the center of our lives and believe and trust him.

“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end” Hebrews 12: 2

If we strengthen our faith and trust in Jesus and grow in our relationship with Him by seeking His presence and closeness, we can hear and act His voice better and better. This is how our faith comes to life and we can use his word more and more, live it and implement it in our everyday life. A life centered on Jesus Christ stands on a firm foundation. His kingdom is imperishable and endures. It is built on a solid foundation. Heaven and earth will pass away, but his kingdom will last forever. Our house will stand on a solid rock and no storm will bring it down. So we don’t put our confidence in something transient, but build our lives on Christ and his unshakable kingdom.

“Once again I will shake the earth, and also the sky. This means once again: everything that God has created, he will change from scratch. Only the eternal will remain, which cannot be shaken. ”Hebrews 12, 26-27

Everything that shakes us in life, every crisis offers an opportunity and has the potential to keep our eyes on the unshakable.

God’s love, his promises, his word, his faithfulness and protection, his blessings and his victory over death and the powers of darkness, all of this is unshakable.

“So since we receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken, we want to be thankful and make God happy by serving Him in reverence for His Holiness.” Hebrews 12:28

“Lord, your word remains forever as far as the heavens reach” Psalm 119,89

“That is why we want to continue to hold on to the hope we confess because God is faithful to His promises” Hebrews 10:23

“I, the LORD, do not change” Malachi 3,6

“But this is eternal life that they will recognize you, who you are the only true God, and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ” John 17.3

“Jesus Christ yesterday and today and the same forever” Hebrews 13: 8

“And God assured this: He gave us eternal life, and this life is in his son.” 1 John 5:11

“No one is holy like the LORD, except you is none, and is not a rock as our God is.” 1 Samuel 2: 2

“God has called you to His eternal glory through Christ [4]. After suffering for a while, it will build you up, strengthen you, and strengthen you; and he will put you on firm ground. ”1 Peter 5:10

“And God will open the gates of heaven wide and let you enter the eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.” 2 Peter 1:11

“That we don’t see the visible, but the invisible. Because what is visible is temporal; but what is invisible is eternal. ”2 Corinthians 4:18

“And the world passes with its lust; but whoever does the will of God remains forever. ”1 John 2:17

“Your throne, oh God, stands forever and ever” Hebrews 1: 8

“Lord, in the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth, heaven is the work of your hands.
They will go away, but you stay forever. They will become out of date like a robe.
You will change them like a garment and they will be gone. But you remain the same forever and ever; your years have no end. ”Hebrews 1, 10-12