Think positive

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Every day we are faced with a flood of thoughts. We think every second, we deal with the future, with the past, with the here and now, we think about ourselves and about others, about positive and negative. We think consciously, but often thoughts just roll over us. In the Bible I read the following verse about the power of thoughts:

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Sprüche 4,23

So our thoughts influence our lives. Thoughts determine our feelings, guide our actions, control our behavior. That is why it is so important to pay attention to what we think about, what we deal with, which thoughts we allow and let into us. Because there are not only good thoughts, but also bad ones. Negative thoughts about myself about my fellow human beings about the future about the past Not all thoughts come from God.

Where do these negative thoughts come from?

They can arise from past experiences. It can be imprints or beliefs that we have learned. It can also be that we have to struggle with problems e.g. at work, in the family partnership or are affected by illness. The Bible often speaks of a spiritual battle that we have to fight. In addition to the visible world, I am convinced that there is also a spiritual, invisible world in which there is a battle between good and evil, between the powers of the devil and the powers of God. This is another reason why we so often struggle with negative thoughts. The enemy wants to rob us of all the good that God gives us.

“Be sober and vigilant! Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour ”(1 Peter chapter 5, verse 8)

The only power the enemy has left over us is to roar in our minds, to confuse our minds so that we cannot see the truth of God.

What do negative thoughts do?

Negative thoughts make us feel bad. If we let our thoughts run their course and not control them, negative thought patterns, the Bible speaks of fortresses, can build up. The consequences are worries, fears, depression, bad self-esteem (self-image), victim role (constant whining or wanting to blame others).

How can I overcome negative thoughts, what tools do I get from God?

In the Word of God it says that we need to renew our way of thinking, a God-centered attitude changes our lives.

“Let yourself be changed in your thinking and completely realign yourself inwardly” Ephesians 4:23

The renewal of my thoughts doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a process. It can happen that we fall back into old thought patterns that we have built up over the years. Step by step together with Jesus we can collapse these walls of thought and decide every day for God’s thoughts, s expressing his good thoughts about our lives.

In contrast, today’s psychology says, “Get to know yourself, gain a new trust in yourself, and you will learn to think again.” There may be some truth to it, but if we really want to get to know each other, then we have to know God learn because he is our creator. Even what the esoteric promises doesn’t get me any further. In positive thinking from the esoteric New Age area, the focus is on the self. Man would create reality through his positive thinking. In biblical faith, on the other hand, Almighty God is at the center. We are not creating, but God. We trust God and not our positive thinking. God can get to know if we read the Bible, study how Jesus acted in the respective situations. We need the personal, living relationship with Jesus and fill ourselves with his thoughts of joy, peace, hope, confidence, grace, forgiveness. In this way we can let go of the past and bring it to Jesus on the cross. Bad experiences, crises that we have experienced, the unconscious no longer has to burden our lives.

Think no more of what used to be, what has passed, you should not pay attention to. Look here, now I’m doing something new. It is already emerging, do you not notice it? “(God in Isaiah chapter 43, verses 18-19) “

The word of God is alive and effective. It is sharper than the sharpest sword and penetrates our innermost thoughts and desires. It reveals who we really are and reveals our hearts to God ” Hebrew 4,11



In prayer we can direct our thoughts to God, give all negative thoughts to god, everything that burdens us to him and receive peace and good thoughts.

Praise and thank When we adopt a grateful attitude, we direct our thoughts towards the good in our life, negative thoughts lose their power.

Word of God, the Bible The truth of God’s word has the power to destroy the lies we believe.

When we have poor self-esteem, think about what we cannot and are not, we read the following verses and accept them for ourselves in faith:

“Lord, thank you for making me so wonderful and unique! Everything you have created is great – I can tell! “Psalm 139:14

“How overwhelming are your thoughts for me, O God, there are so many!” Psalm 139:17 ”

When we worry, we respond to our thoughts with the following truth:

“That is why I say to you: do not worry about your life, whether you have something to eat or drink, and about your body, whether you have something to wear! Life is more than food and drink, and the body is more than clothing! Look at the birds! They don’t sow, they don’t reap, they don’t gather supplies – but your Heavenly Father takes care of them. And you are worth much more to him than birds! How many of you can worry about adding a day to your life? And why are you worried about what to wear? See how the flowers grow in the fields! They do not work or dress themselves, but I tell you, not even Solomon, with all his wealth, was dressed as splendidly as any of them. If God equips even the wild flowers that bloom today and will be burned tomorrow, won’t He care more about you? Do you have so little trust? So don’t worry! Do not ask: ‘What should we eat?’ ‘What should we drink?’ ‘What should we wear?’ People who do not know God are plagued with all this. Your Heavenly Father knows you need all of these. Make sure you submit to his rule first and do what he asks, and then he will provide you with all the rest. So do not torment yourselves with thoughts of tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. It is enough that each day has its own burden. ”“ Matthew 6: 25-34

When we are afraid, God speaks in his word:

“God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of strength, love and prudence” 2 Timothy 1: 7

Do not be afraid for I am with you. Do not look anxiously for help, for I am your God ”Isaiah 41:10

If we are down, sad, we always have new hope, because:

“The joy in the Lord is my strength” Nehemiah 8:10

“To be close to God is my happiness” Psalm 73:28

When we are sick:

“Indeed, he bore our sickness and inflicted upon himself our pains. We are healed by his wounds ”Isaiah 53: 4-5

When we care about our children:

“The children of the righteous (those who believe in God) are blessed” Psalm 112: 2

If we agree with God’s thoughts and think more and more how he thinks, the more he can work in us, respond to our prayers and change us.

“Do not conform to the standards of this world, but let God change you so that your whole thinking is realigned. Only then can you judge what God’s will is, what is good and perfect, and what pleases him ”Romans 12: 2

“We use the mighty weapons of God and not worldly weapons to destroy human thought structures.” 2 Corinthians 10: 4

We oppose every wrong thought with the truth of God, it is not easy, it is a daily struggle and again and again a decision. Stopping thoughts, sorting out, not allowing all thoughts that come into our head and also paying attention to what we are doing, what we are looking at, what we are reading, what thoughts we give space and let go of what is not good for us. When our thoughts are constantly revolving around ourselves, what we lack, what we want, etc. we can ask God about people whom we can do good. Thinking of others, helping someone, having a good word for our fellow human beings frees us from ourselves and being there for others and doing good changes our thoughts for the better.

“Love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 12:31

Focus your thoughts wholly on those things that are true and worthy, just, pure and indecent, and deserve general approval; deal with what is exemplary and rightly praised. In all that you do, keep the message that has been given to you and that you have accepted; live as I told you and lived as I did. Then we will be the God of peace with you. ”Philippians 4: 8-9

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