God doesn’t disappoint

Sprachen German Italian

Lesedauer 2 Minuten

Disappointment is the failure to fulfill a wish or an expectation. Disappointment describes the feeling that a hope has been shattered or unexpected grief has been caused. I think each of us has experienced minor or major disappointments in our lives. We are disappointed when a situation does not turn out the way we thought it would, when things turn out differently than expected. We can also be disappointed of other people if, they act differently than we expected or if promises are not kept. We can also be disappointed in ourselves, if we don’t achieve what we set out to do.

Disappointments are part of life and inevitable, because circumstances do not always go according to plan and unpredictable things happen. People will also disappoint us every now and then, because no one is perfect or flawless. In the same way we will consciously or unconsciously disappoint people, because it is not possible to fullfill all expectations.

Disappointment often also arises when we have wrong expectations or when we place our trust and our expectations in wrong things. Not everything and everyone who promises us something is trustworthy.

“If he trusts in values ​​that do not support him, he is deceiving himself, only disappointment will be his reward.” Job 15:31

What can we ultimately trust in? Whom can we trust unconditionally? Who or what is really wearing?

God alone is the one who can never let us down. He keeps his promises and what he says is certain. His word is truth and we can always rely on it. God does not make mistakes and we can trust him in every situation. If we confide in him, we don’t run the risk of being disappointed. God has a good plan for our life.

“Good for the man who trusts in you” Psalm 84:13

“Everything he does is perfect and just. He is a rock – you can always rely on him. He keeps what he promises; he is righteous and faithful. ”Deuteronomy 32: 4

God’s love for us is constant and always the same. Even when we go through challenges and difficult situations, it doesn’t mean that God has let us down. God has never promised us a life without suffering and difficulties, but he has promised that in the midst of these situations he will always be with us and with us and on this promise we can rely 100%.

“Christ says: See, I am with you all the days until the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20

“Then you will know that I am the Lord on whom one can hope without being disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23

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